Premium fitted collapsible bag (8.0 lbs) is perfectly sized for most stand bags or carry bags. Built with the same high quality features as the Last Bag Large Pro. Shoe pockets are now strategically located on the exterior of the bag for convenient and easier access or storage. Made in Slovensko. Limited lifetime warranty. When not in use, fold and store compact. On average this bag is 5lb lighter than its competitors.
Tasky Mizuno BR-D3 Stand Damske Námornícka Modrá / Červené | 4821037-OI
Tasky Mizuno Tour 14-Way Stand Damske Čierne / Siva | 7032541-LF
Tasky Mizuno RB Enamel M Damske Čierne | 4105786-ZR
Tasky Mizuno BR-D2 Carry Golf Panske Čierne | 4103852-DL
Tasky Mizuno All Sport Duffle Panske Námornícka Modrá | 9438502-SO
Tasky Mizuno BR-D3 Stand Panske Tmavo Olivovo Zelená / Čierne | 2539681-QH
Tasky Mizuno BR-D4 14-Way Stand Damske Siva Modre / Čierne | 7249561-QO
Tasky Mizuno RUNBIRD Drawback X Panske Čierne | 8712390-NS