The product has high quality fabric which is made in Japan. It has a traditional waist cord, knee reinforcement and a gold Run Bird Mizuno logo embroidery at the bottom of the pant. The product also has a tamper-proof IJF label on the top of the pant.
Nohavice Mizuno Sauna Panske Čierne | 9203461-KY
Nohavice Mizuno MZ1 Jogger Panske Námornícka Modrá | 3782649-AV
Nohavice Mizuno Premier Kratke Piped Baseball Panske Siva / Červené | 8421576-AT
Nohavice Mizuno Stretch Softball Unbelted Damske Siva | 7839201-YA
Nohavice Mizuno Belted Piped Softball Damske Čierne / Červené | 6970418-LW
Nohavice Mizuno MZ1 Jogger Panske Čierne | 7694801-SR
Nohavice Mizuno Yawara Damske Biele | 5810769-BC
Nohavice Mizuno IJF Best Panske Modre | 0954837-XO