The newest backpack for elite volleyball players. This backpack has special hooks for your kneepads to air out and a pocket for your court shoes to do the same. It comes in team colors to make it an easy choice for the whole squad.
Batohy Mizuno The Prime Damske Čierne | 9120356-WU
Batohy Mizuno Crossover X Panske Čierne | 6801279-LV
Batohy Mizuno Front Office 21 Briefcase Panske Čierne | 8329571-VT
Batohy Mizuno Organizer 21 Baseball Panske Kráľovská Modrá | 4328617-UG
Batohy Mizuno Crossover X Damske Červené / Čierne | 5261497-NC
Batohy Mizuno Organizer OG5 Baseball Panske Námornícka Modrá / Čierne | 5609384-DM
Batohy Mizuno Organizer OG5 Baseball Damske Zelene / Siva | 5093642-MO
Batohy Mizuno Vintage Damske Čierne | 0523649-NU